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2017 NHCC Candidates Forum set for September 12

Have you seen the “vote for” signs all over town but you haven’t done much checking into the candidates yet? Here’s your opportunity to hear from them personally!

Join us for an evening of moderated debate between candidates for:

-Bellevue School Board
-Valley Hospital District #1
-Bellevue City Council
** candidates in contested races only due to time limitations

Moderated by Michelle Hilhorst, 2010 NHCC President/Merchant Liaison/Santa Tour Chair and former Bellevue Planning Commisioner/Chair

Please consider bringing a donation of non-perishable food items to help the NH Community Church stock their food pantry serving neighbors in need and to thank them for their hospitality in allowing use of the church for this event.

Event schedule:
5:30 pm: Doors open to the public and candidates (informational tables in foyer)
6:00 pm: Candidates Forum begins
Order of races: Bellevue School District, Valley Hospital District #1, Bellevue City Council
8:00 pm: Candidates Forum concludes
8:30 pm: Doors closed and facility locked up

119th Ave SE (Newport Heights Elementary) and Eastgate (Tyee MS) Traffic Safety Survey

The City of Bellevue Neighborhood Transportation Safety Services is currently developing traffic improvement strategies in two areas.  The first is for Newport Heights Elementary along 119th Ave SE between SE 56th St and Lake Heights St.  The second is for Tyee Middle School and the Eastgate neighborhood along the following streets:  138th Ave SE and 136th Pl SE, from Allen Road to SE 37th St; SE 40th St, from 136th Pl SE to 146th Ave SE; and 146th Ave SE, from SE 42nd Pl to SE 37th St. The strategies will focus on addressing concerns about speeding and traffic volumes as well as the need for safe walking and bicycling to/from school and in the neighborhood.

This summer and fall, City staff will be meeting with stakeholders, identifying partners, and working together with the school community and neighborhood residents to develop short and long-term actions to increase traffic safety.  The actions may include improved crosswalks, additional pavement markings, and various other features to calm traffic.

We need your help!  Responses to our online survey will help us determine what measures will encourage safer and more responsible driver behavior, deter cut-through traffic, and confirm specific locations of concern.  The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.  Thank you for your time!

Questions? Contact Vangie Ann P. Garcia, City of Bellevue Senior Project Manager at or 425-452-6103.

For Newport Heights and 119th Ave SE:

For Tyee Middle School and Eastgate:

June General Membership mtg w/guest speakers re: Risdon MS & neighborhood transportation projects

Please join us for our June 2017 General Membership Meeting with guest speakers. Don’t forget, you can pay the $10 annual dues which support the club at the meeting- cash or check welcome!

On the agenda…

Business (10 minutes):
– Board Reports
President & Secretary reports
Financial reports: current status & vote to approve 2017-18 budget
– Committee Reports
Block Party recap
Status update- Terry’s Kitchen, On Da Hill Billiards, S Mart
– New Business
What’s coming in the next couple months

Craig Cooper, Risdon MS principal: introduce the new RSD middle school that will serve Newport Hills kids in the south end of the neighborhood starting September 2017

Vangie Garcia, CoB Transportation Dept: introduce some traffic projects she is working on in the area of Newport Heights Elementary, as well as take input from residents re: speed/traffic mitigation in other areas of the neighborhood

Block Party: who’s going to be there, what’s going on

The response to our “Welcome to Summer” Block Party at the shopping center on Saturday 6/17 has been GREAT! Here’s what you can expect:

10 a.m. FREE all ages/all fitness levels community workout at Grey Coast CrossFit

11 a.m. FREE BBQ starts at Grey Coast CrossFit; also visit Kumon Learning, All About Hair, and Q Nails for some delicious food & drink

11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Visit tables for crafters, small businesses, community organizations, fundraisers, meet Bellevue city council candidates AND visit the shopping center businesses to enter raffles

NOON: Dog costume contest- dress up your pooch and vie for a prize!

* We are still hoping for a visit from a BFD fire truck but can’t guarantee it will happen.

NON-PERISHABLE FOOD DRIVE:  please help us replenish the food pantry at the Newport Hills Community Church. Summer is a hard time to be hungry, especially for kids, and the church’s food pantry serves our Newport Hills neighbors in need. You can drop your donation at the NHCC Membership table. Thank you for your generosity!

List of participants:

OVERSTOCK SALE: Baseball equipment- Stod’s Baseball

NHCC MEMBERSHIP & INFO TABLE- pay your $10 annual dues here!

Woodturning: Tim Knudtson

Jewelry: Janine Lee
Tamara Shilley- Tamara Shilley Designs
Rachel Gidlof- Stella & Dot jewelry

Handmade cards: Linda Goodman

Headbands: Danielle Parter

Home/garden decor + woodworking: Paige French

Breastfeeding Moms (lactation consultant): Kat Chow
American Preparedness (emergency preparedness): Steve O’Donnell
Varmas Kitchen (packaged Indian cooking spices): Pratima Kalidindi
D. Benjamin Legal LLC (immigration law): Deanna Benjamin
Newport Glen AFH LLC (adult family home): Claudia Marcu

Cookbook fundraiser- Orchard Gardens (Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Education in Niger fundraiser- Lorelai Harris (student)

Jr. Knights Football & Cheer
CENSE (Coalition of Eastside Neighborhoods for Sensible Energy)
Cedar River Rascals 4-H Club
**Hill & Dale Garden Club- plant sale + kid craft
Renton Fish & Game Club youth shooting sports
Newport Hills Swim & Tennis Club

Position 2: ***Conrad Lee & Randy Grein
Position 4: **Heidi Chiat & Jared Nieuwenhuis
Position 5: Janice Zahn & Phillip Yin
Position 6: Steve Fricke

** Some tables will feature kid-focused activities

*** Voter registration info available

“Welcome to Summer” Block Party at the Shopping Center 6/17

We’re getting excited as our “Welcome to Summer” Block Party at the shopping center on 6/17 is shaping up!

Saturday, June 17   Workout @ 10 a.m.; BBQ & Booths 11 a.m.- 2 p.m.

  • FREE all ages/all fitness levels community workout at Grey Coast CrossFit at 10 AM
  • FREE BBQ lunch sponsored by Grey Coast CrossFit starting at 11 AM
  • Visit shopping center businesses to enter raffles for products & services
  • Visit Crafter, Small Business, and Community Organization tables along the center’s covered walkway
  • Observe Cornerstone Studio students in action at Studio 1
  • Doggie Costume Contest at noon- dress up your pooch and vie for a prize!

We have 22 craft vendors, small businesses, and community organizations signed up for tables that will line the shopping center walkway. We’re looking for a few more non-jewelry crafters. We’d especially love artists who paint, draw, take photos, create pottery, or create garden-oriented art like flowers and “garden totems” made out of glassware. If that’s you, please contact Heidi at