Newport Hills Swim & Tennis Club banquet room (5464 119th Ave SE, upper parking lot)
Refreshmenst/social time 6:30-7, Business mtg/Election 7-7:20, Speaker 7:20-8:30
FEATURED SPEAKER: Charles Hare, Senior Land Entitlement Manager, Toll Brothers
Charles will address the neighborhood re: the current state of the purchase agreement between Rainier NW- University LLC (shopping center owners) and Toll Brothers. Please bring any questions you have and he will attempt to answer them as best he can at this point.
ANNUAL ELECTION: Slate of candidates below; nominations will be accepted from the floor as well. Please consider joining our fun & energetic board. We have lots of areas that need representation. Each household that is current on the annual $10 dues may cast a vote. Dues accepted at the door.
** It is not required to be current on dues to attend the meeting, only to vote
2018 Slate of Candidates
President- Heidi Dean
Vice President- Barbra Chevalier
Secretary- Sarah Roubinet
Treasurer- Claudia Marcu
Area 2- Karen Yellman
Area 5- Ann Brashear
Area 6- Alice & Steve Kunkel
Area 15- David Underbrink
Area 18- Claudia Marcu
Area 19- Sarah Roubinet
Area 21- Diana Wadley
Area 22- Riley O’Brien-Wolff
TRUSTEES NEEDED: Areas 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25
Areas map:
** Please note: The NHCC boundaries map is being updated. Area 25 is no longer Lake Heights but is rather a combination of Areas 27 & 28 along Lk WA Blvd (excluding the Kimberlee Park neighborhood). Lake Heights has its own community club.