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Letter to the City of Bellevue Planning Commission on DEIS Response

On June 26th, the NHCC board submitted a letter to the City of Bellevue with feedback regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Action Alternatives based on neighborhood concern around affordability, infrastructure, and impact to small businesses – see PDF below. A summary was also delivered in public comment at the 6/28 Planning Commission meeting. The DEIS is a report analyzing the impact of four housing development strategies (Alternatives) being considered in the city’s 20-year strategy update (Comprehensive Plan).

Summary of Alternatives:

Coal Creek fence

Save Coal Creek

On June 16th, the Newport Hills Community Club sent a letter to the Bellevue City Council in support of the preservation of the Coal Creek wildlife corridor as outlined in, after our survey out to club members showed unanimous support among respondents (41 responses total). We wrote in support of the Bellevue City Council protecting  this land for our community and future generations by purchasing the the 12-acre parcel of land situated between the Coal Creek Natural Area and Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park, as it serves as a crucial wildlife corridor, a historical site, and a beloved green space for our community.

Community meeting

Spring General Membership Meeting

Please join our bi-annual General Membership Meeting. We will invite speakers from Bellevue Police Department and City of Bellevue to discuss neighborhood safety issues and the city’s plans that affect this community. This meeting is in-person only.

Date & Time:  Thursday, May 18, 7:00-8:30pm

Location: Newport Hills Swim & Tennis Club (Banquet Hall), 5464 119th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98006


  • Community Club Update
  • Bellevue Police Department, “Crime Statistics and Prevention” by Officer Ruby Daly
  • City of Bellevue, “State of the City” by Mark Heilman

A $50 gift certificate from Terry’s Kitchen will be given away as a raffle prize.

We would like to ask attendees to bring one non-perishable food item. We collect them and donate them to Newport Hills Community Church’s Food Cupboard.

Upcoming Housing Forums organized by City of Bellevue

Planning for housing is a key part of Bellevue’s periodic update to the Comprehensive Plan. Housing is also one of the issues that is raised most by community members throughout the engagement process. Bellevue has worked with other cities, counties, and regional agencies to set some overarching goals for this planning process including:

• Create more housing options such as duplexes, townhomes, and other modest scale housing.
• Create options that are affordable at all income levels, especially for households that have low incomes.
• Ensure housing has access to jobs and transit.

There are many ways to achieve these goals and it’s important not take a “one-sized-fits-all” approach. Community members are invited to discuss this important issue at one of three upcoming Housing Forums. Participants will have the opportunity to explore data around the city’s housing needs, ask questions, and engage in small group discussion. Input from these events will be used to inform policy and shared with City Council and the Planning Commission.

Saturday, March 18 | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm at Crossroads Community Center. This will be a drop-in event. People may come at any time and stay for as long as they like.
Tuesday, March 21 | 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm at East Shore Unitarian Church. This will be an interactive workshop and presentation with opportunity for in-depth, small group discussion.
Thursday, March 23rd | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, virtual event. Hear a short presentation from city staff with time for questions.

People of all ages and backgrounds are encouraged to attend. Refreshments will be served. To learn more and sign up to attend, visit:

Flyer link

Short Plat Petition

In May a short plat (dividing a residential lot) was proposed for a property in the 12500 block of SE 52nd St. in Newport Hills. Residents in the surrounding area raised various concerns. The NHCC Board was asked to support the petition to the City of Bellevue. The board discussed this issue and decided it is a matter of concern for the entire Newport Hills community as there are other parcels in the neighborhood with potential for short platting. The board has drafted a letter to the City of Bellevue to express opposition to the short plat based on the fact the property has covenants that prohibit creating short plats, city tree code, and negative impact to the neighborhood character and quality of life. 

The 184 paid members (households) were asked to vote on whether to support the petition or not by July 7. The results were overwhelmingly supportive of the petition (Yes: 74, No: 1). The board has sent the letter to the City officials on Friday, July 8.

Seattle in Progress is a useful tool to find out what kind of construction projects are proposed in our neighborhood.