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Occasionally we have time-sensitive information to send out. If you would like to be notified of new information related to the Newport Hills Community Club, please email your name, street address and email address to and we will add you to our mailing list.

We will not give your email information to other individuals or organizations. Your email address is for use only as a part of this Announcement list.

Contact the Newport Hills Community Club via the postal service or via email below.

Mailing Address

5806-A 119th Ave SE, PMB #222
Bellevue, WA 98006


General Info:


  • Taro Kusunose’s story of growing up in Newport Hills really resonated with me. I lived up the hill from the small strip mall with the drug store (now it is a cleaners and a gym) and grocery. My parents bought the house at 12615 SE 63rd, brand new, in 1963. A beautiful area (I’m sure it still is). There was a large wood behind that house where us kids built tree houses and underground “forts” covered with logs, pitched with ferns, covered with dirt. 😀 It was the best place I lived growing up, and we moved quite often. It was much a Huckleberry Finn existence for a boy of 10 to 15 with all the woods, creeks, ponds, and lakes nearby.
    Like Taro, I remember the helicopter rides in the field next to the drug store (now apartment buildings). There would be a mini-fair with rides in that same field every year. The burger place that preceded Cloud 9 Burgers was called Jack’s Drive In (in the late 60s) and was the hang out for us as we got a little older and had enough money for a burger. Girls would hang out there too… The Little League baseball field used to be across the street from the grocery store by the tennis courts. That space was not big enough for a field and too many windows beyond the left field fence were shattered. I notice they moved it over by the soccer fields now. We also spent a lot of time in the community pools, which I see are still there.
    I have lived in many places in the 50-odd years since we left Newport Hills (in 68), I have been to Asia many times and Europe also. Newport Hills still occupies a treasured spot in my heart and was instrumental in one of the best times in my life.

  • Hi Regina:

    Right now we are monitoring the COVID-19 situation and considering whether we should cancel the General Membership meeting on 3/24. If we do go forward with it we are considering broadcasting it on Facebook Live so people can watch at home. That will also record it to our club Facebook page so people can watch the video later. We will keep everyone updated through this site, our FB page, and Nextdoor as to whether we go forward with the meeting. Thanks for your patience as we figure this out.

  • Please confirm you received my membership payment plus a $15 donation.

    Can you look into possibly having Skype or zoom for our meetings so we can remotely keep in touch in light of the virus.

    Thank you for all that you do for our community.

    Regina Glenn


  • Not clear how to pay with paypal. I clicked the website link, logged in, I clicked SEND button on PP site, then need to identify who too, I tried ‘’ and some variations and could not get past that. Pardon me if this a silly question.

  • hi Brit! sorry for delayed response, I’m just getting familiar with the admin functions of our Club website. YES, the Santa Tour is ON for December 17 and the rest of the details are on the (now live) Santa Tour web page. Thanks for asking! Ann Brashear

  • Is the Santa tour going to happen this year? The web page for the Santa tour doesn’t seem to be working (404 Error). We appreciate the volunteers that dedicate their day to visiting all of the houses.


  • Hi Karen:

    Thank you for the report. Bear sightings, as well as bobcat sightings, have been a frequent topic of discussion over the last four months or so. There’s one (or more) bear who seems to travel the ravine behind your house all the way up to the Delmar Woods section of Newport Hills (next to Safeway in Newcastle) and possibly beyond. The police and/or WA Fish & Wildlife will not/cannot do anything unless the animal becomes aggressive, which it sounds like it isn’t. The best advice we can give is to secure your garbage cans (or keep them inside the garage if you can). Bobcats typically do not hunt cats, but there are plenty of other predators living in the neighborhood ravines which do, so it’s not a bad idea to keep kitties indoors and supervise small dogs while they are outside.

  • We live on 119th and had a bear take garbage from our front yard, climb over our fence and was eating it in our back yard. We scared it down into the ravine between 119th and coal creek. Just an FYI for people to keep an eye out and let the police know if they have any sighting.

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