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2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment & rezone: Newport Hills Shopping Center

Become a party of record (receive updates) or submit a comment: Nicholas Matz, Senior Planner, at or 425-452-5371.

On 1/31/18, national developer Toll Brothers filed for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA) & concurrent rezone of 6.4 acres of Neighborhood Business and R-30/Multifamily High zoned land to Neighborhood Mixed Use. The parcels covered under the application include the entire Newport Hills Shopping Center, the Newport Hills Chevron (application filed on behalf of owner Barry Heimbigner, the property is not being sold to Toll), and part of the Newport Hills Townhomes property (pertaining to an easement agreement). Toll Brothers representative Charles Hare stated at multiple meetings  within the neighborhood (NHCC, Lake Heights Community Club, Newport Hills Townhomes Association) that Toll is “comfortable” planning for 130 units of residential living in a mix of townhomes, stacked flats (condos) and regular condos, as well as retail uses. When asked about the fate of existing merchants and the amount of retail Toll plans to include, Mr. Hare indicated Toll would speak with businesses that can pay market rate rent (2-3x current rents paid). He also said  Toll’s retail & commercial real estate experts have indicated only 30-32K sq ft of retail & commercial space is viable at the center (~45-48K sq ft of 60K sq ft of available space is in use currently) if a 14-18K sq ft anchor tenant (such as a specialty grocer or pharmacy) can be signed. When asked what would happen if no anchor tenant were signed, Mr. Hare stated the amount of planned retail would be downsized, possibly as low as 13K sq ft (as indicated at the NH Townhomes meeting on 1/20/18).

Notification (Weekly Permit Bulletin & signage) went out on 1/22/18, though one sign near Chevron blew over immediately & the other is posted in an inconspicuous place on the end of the old Red Apple building. That problem was addressed to the City Council by Heidi Dean on 3/5/18.

The City of Bellevue will take public comment, in written form (mailed letters, emails) and verbal (at Council or Planning Commission meetings), throughout the threshold review process, which should wrap up in mid-late June.

– 2/22/18 Weekly Permit Bulletin announcement (see pg 5):

– CPA & rezone application:

-Annual CPA process overview & 2018 review schedule:

– Newport Hills Neighborhood Area Plan (formerly known as “subarea plan”), written in 1994. The City of Bellevue has plans to start the Neighborhood Area Plans (NAP) update process later this year but Newport Hills may not be the first in line to update their NAP:

– City of Bellevue Comprehensive Plan, updated in 2015. Elements referenced in the application include Land Use, Neighborhoods, Housing, Economic Development:

– Growth Management Act of 1990 (referenced in application):

– Countywide Planning Policies (referenced in application):