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June General Membership mtg w/guest speakers re: Risdon MS & neighborhood transportation projects

Please join us for our June 2017 General Membership Meeting with guest speakers. Don’t forget, you can pay the $10 annual dues which support the club at the meeting- cash or check welcome!

On the agenda…

Business (10 minutes):
– Board Reports
President & Secretary reports
Financial reports: current status & vote to approve 2017-18 budget
– Committee Reports
Block Party recap
Status update- Terry’s Kitchen, On Da Hill Billiards, S Mart
– New Business
What’s coming in the next couple months

Craig Cooper, Risdon MS principal: introduce the new RSD middle school that will serve Newport Hills kids in the south end of the neighborhood starting September 2017

Vangie Garcia, CoB Transportation Dept: introduce some traffic projects she is working on in the area of Newport Heights Elementary, as well as take input from residents re: speed/traffic mitigation in other areas of the neighborhood